How-to: Run a Fund-a-Need or Paddle Raise During Your Livestream

Use the customizable donation button during your Livestream to run a fund-a-need or paddle raise.

Paddle raises and fund-a-needs keep donors engaged, help them understand the direct impact they can make, and boost giving. The donate button that displays during your Livestream is customizable, allowing you to create preset donation amounts so you can run these activities online:

Fund-a-Need vs. Paddle Raise

Fund-a-needs call out the exact donation size the organization is looking for and let donors know the impact this amount will have. For example, you might choose to ask for $50, to provide one child with a backpack and school supplies for an entire school year, or $500, to provide one family with a sustainable well that will ensure their continued access to clean drinking water.

Paddle raises also allow donors to give a specific amount of money, but instead of remaining at one level, paddle raises provide audience members the chance to donate at several different levels.

Customize the Donate Button

  1. While in the Livestream Studio, go to Settings in the bottom left corner of your screen and select Customize donation button:

  1. Enter the donation amount:

  1. Select SAVE.

Good to Know

  • When the donor clicks on the donate button, it will pre-fill the featured donation amount. Donors are always free to change this default amount when going through the checkout process.
  • All donations made will appear in the Activity Feed in the Livestream Studio and the Campaign Page.

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