How-to: Create Preset A-Thon Pledge Amounts

Offer donors preset pledge amounts to help them decide how much to pledge.

When running an A-Thon, you can create preset pledge amounts for donors can choose from when pledging support for A-Thon Participants. This can help eliminate any confusion your donors experience when determining an appropriate amount to pledge.

Create Preset Pledge Amounts

  1. Go to Campaigns in the left menu.
  2. If you have chosen a list view, click on the Campaign title. If you have chosen a grid view, click on the Campaign image.
  3. Go to A-thon in the timeline at the top and scroll down to Add activities.
  4. Select Create an activity or select the pencil icon on the activity you want to edit.
  5. Select More options:

  1. Check the box next to Create preset pledge amounts for donors and select Add preset.

  1. Enter the preset pledge amount and select Save.
  2. Repeat for each preset pledge amount you want to offer.

Donor View

Preset pledge amounts will appear in a dropdown menu when donors pledge support: 

Donors will also have the option to choose Other and enter a custom amount.

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