How Do I Set Minimum and Maximum Per-Unit Pledge Amounts?
When running an a-thon fundraiser, you can set limits for the amount that donors can pledge per-unit for any activity. While donors will still be responsible for pledging a per-unit amount they feel is appropriate, some experience organizers find establishing limits helps offer some general guidance to donors. To do so, follow the steps below:
- Go to Experiences in the left menu.
- If you have chosen a list view, click on the title of your experience. If you have chosen a grid view, click on the experience image.
- Click A-thon in the timeline at the top.
- Click EDIT on the activity you would like to add limits to, or click CREATE AN ACTIVITY.
- Click the box next to Create preset per-unit pledge amounts for donors.
- Click the box next to Set min and max per-unit pledge amounts.
- Enter the minimum and maximum amounts.
- Click SAVE at the bottom of the box.

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