Understand: Support for International Currencies

Run a fundraiser on RallyUp in your country’s currency and accept payments in other currencies.

RallyUp provides support for international currencies so you can fundraise no matter where your organization or donor base is located. You can set a primary currency for your RallyUp account and accept a wide array of currencies from your donors.

Primary Currency

You can select your primary currency when you create your RallyUp account, and change it whenever you need. The currency you select will be used to:

  • Display money amounts on your Campaign Page
  • Charge donors' debit or credit cards
  • Transfer funds raised to your organization's bank account

How-to: Set Your Primary Currency

RallyUp currently supports 15 different currencies, and the list is growing all the time:

  • Australian dollar (AUD)
  • Brazilian real (BRL)
  • Canadian dollar (CAD)
  • Danish krone (DKK)
  • Euro (EUR)
  • Hong Kong dollar (HKD)
  • Japanese yen (JPY)
  • New Zealand dollar (NZD)
  • Norwegian krone (NOK)
  • Pound sterling (GBP)
  • Singapore dollar (SGD)
  • Swedish krona (SEK)
  • Swiss franc (CHF)
  • United States dollar (USD)

If you don’t see your currency listed above, feel free to contact us and we’ll include it on the list of the currencies to add in the future.

Accepting Payments in Other Currencies

No matter what primary currency you select, you can always accept payments in other currencies. The currencies you can accept will depend on which funding option you use:

  • PayPal: 130+ currencies (contact PayPal for full list of supported currencies)
  • Stripe: 135+ currencies (contact Stripe for full list of supported currencies)

Note that if you're using a Donor Advised Fund, Stripe will be used to collect the funds you raise.

Understand: PayPal vs. Stripe

Understand: Direct Funds vs. Donor Advised Funds (DAFs)


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