How-to: Add Promo Codes to Offer Discounts
Offer discounts to generate more donations.
RallyUp allows you to use promo codes to incentivize donors and raise more funds. Promo codes can be used to offer discounts on:
- Raffle entry levels (promo codes are not available for Sweepstakes)
- Event tickets
- Store (Sale) items
- Crowdfunding Perks
- Peer-to-Peer and A-Thon registration fees
How It Works
Promo code discounts can be a percentage amount (e.g., 25% off) or a flat amount (e.g., $25 off). They can apply to the entire transaction or towards one specific item. RallyUp also offers several other customization options to ensure your promo codes fit your unique goals:
- Code name: Enter your own code (e.g., 25OFF) or have our random generator create one for you.
- Number of times code can be used: Specify how many times each code can be used (e.g., a quantity of 50 means that code 25OFF can be used only 50 times). You can also decide whether each donor will have the option to use the code only once or for multiple purchases.
- Limited time: Allow the promo code to be available for a limited time only. If a donor tries to enter it outside the designated window, they will see an error message. If you prefer to have the code available for the entire duration of the Campaign, no dates are necessary.
Add Promo Code
- Go to Campaigns in the left menu.
- If you have chosen a list view, click on the Campaign title. If you have chosen a grid view, click on the Campaign image.
- Select Manage Promo Codes.
- Fill out the code details:
If you don't want to add limited time dates or limit the number of times a code can be used, you can leave those fields blank.
- Select Create promo code.
Edit or Delete Promo Code
- Go to Campaigns in the left menu.
- If you have chosen a list view, click on the Campaign title. If you have chosen a grid view, click on the Campaign image.
- Select Manage Promo Codes.
- Hover your mouse over the code you want to edit or delete and click on the three-dot menu on the right:
- Select Edit Code or Delete Code.
Good to Know
- Promo codes cannot be deleted after they are used. However, you can still change the dates and number of times the code can be used are if the code has already been used.
- The total amount raised will reflect the transaction amount minus the discount. For example, a $100 transaction with a $20 discount promo code applied means that $80 will be added to the total amount raised.
- Reports will show columns for transaction amounts before the discount, transaction amounts after the discount, and the amount of the discount itself. Reports will also have a Promo Code column that will show which promo code was used on a specific transaction (if any).
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