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Can I See How Many People Have Visited My Experience Page?

Find out how you can see the total number of views your fundraising page has received.

From your experience management menu, you can view the number of people who have visited your fundraising page. To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Experiences in the left menu.
  2. If you have chosen a list view, click on the title of your experience. If you have chosen a grid view, click on the experience image.
  3. The number of views can be found next to total views on the slide-out menu's left side.

Here is where you can find the “total views”:

Good To Know

The number for “total views” counts all views by all users. For example: if two people view your fundraiser 10 times each, the “total views” tool will count this as 20 views. 

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