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How-to: Add a Custom Section to Your Campaign Page

Customize your Campaign by adding additional sections.

RallyUp provides a default Campaign template that includes sections for a Campaign description, organization description, Fundraising Activities, and more. If you like, you can also add custom sections to include additional information such as (but not limited to):

  • Listing winners after a Raffle or Sweepstakes drawing.
  • Adding additional videos.
  • Listing volunteer opportunities with a link to sign up.
  • Providing donors more details about Livestreaming and engagement opportunities.
  • Providing details about in-person Events (maps, parking instructions, etc.).

Add a Custom Section

  1. Go to Campaigns in the left menu.
  2. If you have chosen a list view, click on the Campaign title. If you have selected a grid view, click on the Campaign image.
  3. Select Campaign Setup*.
  4. Go to Options in the timeline at the top and select Page Design Options.
  5. Scroll down to Add a custom section to your Campaign Page and select CREATE SECTION:

  1. Enter the section title and content, then select Save:


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