How Does RallyUp Draw Winners on Raffles and Sweepstakes?

Be assured that your donors will have fair odds of winning your prize(s). Learn about how our randomized algorithm is used to draw winners.

RallyUp uses a certified randomization algorithm to draw winners on raffle and sweepstakes experiences. This randomization algorithm ensures fairness and promotes ethical fundraising practices. Take an in-depth look at how winners are drawn below.

Enter to win any prize

When donors enter to win any prize, all entries purchased are put into one entry pool. For each prize, a random number generator will randomly select an entry number from the pool. The selected entry is then matched to a prize. This winning entry is then eliminated from the entry pool so that specific entry is no longer eligible for any prize. This process will continue until all prizes have winners.
Can Donors Purchase Entries to Win Any Prize Available?

Example: Alice purchases 10 entries to the drawing. Her entry numbers are W10-W19. Alice wins prize #1 with entry W15. This entry, W15, is eliminated from the entry pool and is no longer eligible to win any remaining prizes. But Alice still has 9 remaining entries (W10-W14, W16-W19) in the pool, and she is therefore still eligible to win any of the remaining prizes. 

Enter to win a specific prize

If you’ve set up your experience so that donors can enter to win a specific prize, each prize will have a separate pool of entries. Each pool consists of all the entries purchased for that particular prize. For each prize, an entry number is randomly generated to determine the winner of that prize.
Can Donors Purchase Tickets for Specific Prizes?

Good To Know

If multiple quantities of a prize are available, then the random generator will run for each quantity available. A donor who purchases various entries on a multi-quantity award may win that prize more than once in a raffle but not in a sweepstakes. In a sweepstakes, any one donor can only win one prize.

Learn More
Why Did the Same Person Win More Than One Prize in My Raffle?

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