How-to: Disable Write-In Donations for Peer-to-Peer Experiences

Control whether donors can write in names when crediting participants for their donations.

When you run a Peer-to-Peer fundraising Experience on RallyUp, donors can credit individual Peer-to-Peer participants for their donations. Donors can select the participant by choosing them from a dropdown. If they can’t find the participant they’re looking for, they can write in their name:

Benefits of allowing write-in donations include:

  • Donors don’t have to wait for a participant to sign up before making donations. Donors can donate right away, and you can assign the donations to the correct participant after they sign up.
  • Donors won’t abandon their donations if they can’t find the right participant’s name.

If you don’t want to allow donors to make write-in donations, you can turn this setting off anytime, even when your Experience is live.

Disable Write-In Donations

  1. Select Experiences from the left menu.
  2. If you have chosen a list view, click on the Experience title. If you have chosen a grid view, click on the Experience image.
  3. Select Edit Experience.
  4. Go to Checkout in the timeline at the top: 

  1. Scroll down to Allow supporters to credit their donations to participants that don’t appear on the participant list:

This setting will be turned on (toggle will be on the right) by default.

  1. Click on the toggle to turn this setting off (toggle will shift to the left):

Good To Know

  • If you allow write-in donations, you’ll need to manually assign each one to the correct participant so that participants are credited properly and your reports remain accurate. To learn how see this Knowledge Base article: How to Credit a Write-in Donation

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