How-to: Limit the Number of Participants That Can Join a Team

Limit the number of people who can join a Peer-to-Peer or A-Thon team when public registration is enabled.

If you’re running a Peer-to-Peer or A-Thon Campaign and public registration is enabled, you may want to limit the number of Participants* who can join each Team*. This can help ensure fairer odds, as every Team can have the same maximum number of people. Setting limits will also prevent Participants from joining a specific Team if it’s already reached capacity.

Before You Begin

Limit the Number of Participants per Team

  1. Go to Campaigns in the left menu.
  2. If you have chosen a list view, click on the Campaign title. If you have chosen a grid view, click on the Campaign image.
  3. Select Campaign Setup*.
  4. Go to Peer-to-Peer in the timeline at the top.
  5. Scroll down to How will teams be created? and select More options:

  1. Check the box next to Limit the number of participants on each team to _____ and enter the desired quantity:

  1. Select Save.

Additional Knowledge Base Articles

How-to: Add Peer-to-Peer or A-Thon Participants and Teams

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