How-to: Hide Participant Information from Your Campaign Page
Protect Peer-to-Peer Participants' privacy and reduce competition by hiding information from public-facing pages.
When you add Peer-to-Peer to your RallyUp Campaign, you'll be offered multiple options for hiding Participant information from your Campaign Page (and Participant Center, if you've added one). These options can help you protect underage Participants, reduce the competitive element of your fundraiser, and more.
Peer-to-Peer Privacy Options
- Hide Participants' last names. Names will display with just the first name and last initial on any public-facing pages and during the checkout process.
How-to: Hide Peer-to-Peer Participant Last Names
- Remove the Participant list from the Campaign Page. If you've enabled Personal Fundraising Pages, this will prohibit anyone who visits the Campaign Page from accessing them. Supporters can only access a Participant's Personal Fundraising Page if the Participant chooses to share the link with them. Participant names will still show in the checkout process so donors can choose a Participant and give them credit for the donation.
How-to: Hide the List of Participants and/or Teams from the Campaign Page
- Remove the Participant Center button from the Campaign Page. If you add a Participant Center to your Peer-to-Peer Campaign, a button that leads to the Participant Center will automatically be displayed on the main page. Hiding the button keeps the Participant Center private, so only those with the link to the Participant Center will be able to access it.
How-to: Remove the Participant Center button from the Campaign Page
- Use private registration without collecting an email address from Participants. This allows you to control the content of Participants' Personal Fundraising Pages and restrict Participants from editing the content or adding personal photos.
Understand: Public vs Private Registration
- Hide Participant and Team rankings. By default, a Participant's or Team's ranking is displayed on any public-facing pages. Hiding rankings allows Participants to fundraise with less pressure.
How-to: Hide Peer-to-Peer or A-Thon Rankings
- Hide leaderboards from the Participant Center. RallyUp offers multiple leaderboard options for you to display, but you can hide any or all of them to reduce competition.
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