Insights: Troubleshooting Import Errors

Learn tips for correcting errors when uploading information to your Campaign.

As you set up and run your fundraiser, there are several places you may want to import information rather than enter it manually. This article will help you troubleshoot import errors that may occur during the import process.

You can import information about:

  • Participants and Teams (Peer-to-Peer fundraising)
  • Offline Raffle or Sweepstakes entries
  • Activity results (A-Thon)

Import Instructions

You can find specific import instructions in the articles below:

How-to: Add Peer-to-Peer or A-Thon Participants and Teams

How-to: Add Raffle or Sweepstakes Entries You’ve Sold Offline

How-to: Log A-Thon Activity and Calculate Progress

Tips to Avoid Errors

Following the tips below can help prevent errors during the import process.

All Imports

  • Make sure you've downloaded the correct template: All templates contain columns specific to your Campaign. Make sure to you've downloaded the spreadsheet template for the correct Campaign.
  • Don't change columns: Keep the column names when you download the template (changing them will cause the import to fail). Any changes to the column names, adding or deleting columns will cause the import to fail.
  • Fill out all required information: Only the columns with the information you selected as “required” in the Campaign setup will need to be filled out. Required information must be entered to complete a successful import. Columns that don’t pertain to your required information can be left blank.
  • Properly format phone numbers: When entering phone numbers, only include the numbers. Do not include any parenthesis '()' or dashes '-'.

A-Thon and Peer-to-Peer Imports

  • Import Teams before Participants: You’ll want to make sure you’ve added all your Teams before importing Participants, as you can only import Participants to Teams already created. If you import a Participant to a team that hasn’t been created, the Participant will still be added to your fundraiser but not connected to any team. 
  • Enter the activity exactly as it is written in Campaign Setup: If you are running a jog-a-thon and have entered the activity as ‘Running Laps’ in Campaign Setup, this exact text is required on the import template. Using only ‘Running’ will cause the import to fail. You can find the text required in the A-Thon section in Campaign Setup.
  • Properly format goal units: This field needs to be filled with a numeric value of the Participant’s fundraising goal. Adding a “$” will cause the import to fail.
  • Include email addresses if necessary: You’ll need to fill in the email address column if you’d like Participants to edit and customize their Personal Fundraising Page, track their progress, view their donors, and more. If you don’t want Participants to access these features, leave the email column blank.

When importing Participants, you can send them an email notifying them that they've been added to the fundraiser:

This email will include:

  • Link to their Personal Fundraising Page
  • Link to their Participant Dashboard

How-to: Find Your Participant or Team Dashboard

Offline Raffle or Sweepstakes Entry Imports

  • Include entry numbers: Raffle and Sweepstakes entry numbers are a required field in the template. The numbers are not required to be sequential but need to be on the spreadsheet to import.
  • Properly format the purchase amount if you include it: The purchase amount isn't required, but if you do add it, the field needs to contain a numeric value. Adding a “$” will cause the import to fail.

Import Failures

If an import is unsuccessful, a pop-up screen will appear:

Click on the number under INVALID RECORDS to download an excel file. Each entry with an error will be listed in the file, making it easy to fix those entries: 

Once corrected, try importing the information again.


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