How-to: Change the Link to Your Experience Page

Customize the link to your Experience Page to make it easier for donors to remember.

Every RallyUp Experience Page receives a unique link that you can customize to make it easy to recognize and remember, which may help attract more donors.

Customize Your Experience Link

  1. Select Experiences from the left menu.
  2. If you have chosen a list view, click on the Experience title. If you have chosen a grid view, click on the Experience image.
  3. Select Edit Experience*.
  4. Go to Page Design in the timeline at the top and scroll down to Personalize the link to your experience page:

  1. Enter a unique and easy to remember phrase into the text box, such as galaforkids, golf2024, schoolbakesale, etc.
  2. Select VALIDATE to see if your link is available. If not, try another until your link is successfully validated.
  3. Select Save.

Good To Know

  • Changing your Experience link while your fundraiser is active will prevent people with the previous link from accessing your Experience. We recommend deciding on your unique link before going live.

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