How-to: Hide Peer-to-Peer or A-Thon Rankings

Hide Participant and Team rankings from your campaign page.

Public rankings can boost your earnings by promoting excitement and healthy competition. Participants* and/or Teams* often have fun trying to be the best fundraiser, inspiring more creativity and effort among them. However, there may be scenarios where you’d prefer to keep the rankings hidden so people can fundraise without the pressure of competition.

If you choose not to hide the rankings, this is how they’ll be displayed on the campaign page (colors may differ depending on your campaign settings):

Hide Rankings

  1. Go to Campaigns in the left menu.
  2. If you have chosen a list view, click on the Campaign title. If you have chosen a grid view, click on the Campaign image.
  3. Select Campaign Setup.
  4. Go to Options in the timeline at the top.
  5. Click on the plus sign (+) next to Peer-to-Peer Options to expand this section.
  6. Scroll down to Customize your peer-to-peer display options and choose Hide ranking displays for participants and/or teams:

  1. Select SAVE.

Good to Know


*Terminology may differ according to Campaign settings.


Additional Knowledge Base Articles

Understand: Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

How-to: Customize the Link to Your Personal Fundraising Page

How-to: Hide the Last Names of Your Peer-to-Peer or A-Thon Participants

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