How-to: Set Up a Custom Domain for a Single Experience

Use a URL forward to create a one-time custom domain for your Experience Page.

A domain is part of a URL or link, typically the name of the website. For example, the domain in the URL “” would be “rallyup”. 

By default, all RallyUp Experiences have in the URL. You can use a custom URL for a specific Experience by setting up a custom domain, like, then setting up a URL forward that sends people to your RallyUp Experience when they type your custom domain into the browser address bar.

Before You Begin

  • This article only addresses creating a one-time custom link to use for a single Experience. If you’re looking instead to set up a custom domain for your organization’s RallyUp account that you can use for all Experiences, read this article: How to: Customize Your Subdomain or Domain.

Set Up a Custom Domain

1. Register a custom domain name

NOTE: If you already own a domain name that you’d like to use, skip to step 2.

Below is a list of popular services for checking the availability of and registering your new domain name. Any of these websites will guide you through finding a domain name that’s open for use, then registering your domain when you’ve found an available name. Pick one you’d like to use and register your custom domain name with them.

2. Set up a URL forward

NOTE: You’ll need to know your RallyUp Experience URL for the next step. If you don’t know what your Experience URL is, open your Experience Page on RallyUp and copy the link in your address bar.

We’ve compiled a list of help articles on how to set up a URL forward for popular domain hosting services:

If your domain provider isn’t listed above, do a Google search for “[domain provider name] domain forwarding,” where you replace “[domain provider name]” with the name of your domain provider, such as GoDaddy or You should find an easy help article from their site on how to complete the process.

3. Verify the URL forward is working

Type in your custom domain into your browser’s address bar and ensuring that it sends you to your RallyUp Experience Page. 


If your custom domain doesn't redirect to your Experience Page correctly, try the following:

  • Make sure you’ve correctly set up the URL forward. If you need help, contact your domain hosting site's customer service team.
  • Make sure you have the right Experience URL from RallyUp. We recommend opening your Experience Page and copying the URL you see in your address bar to ensure no mistakes.

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