How-to: Manage Recurring Donations on Your Campaign
Enable recurring donations on your Campaign, cancel existing recurring donations, and access reports. RallyUp lets you enable Crowdfunding on any fundraising Campaign. If you do, you can allow donors to make recurring donations. You can also control whether donors can give weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly, or you can allow donors to select how ...
Understand: Charity Crowdfunding
Learn about RallyUp’s Crowdfunding options and how to customize them. Crowdfunding is a fundraising method where donors donate to your organization, sometimes in exchange for merch or other Perks. RallyUp provides many tools and customization options to make Crowdfunding exciting and fun. The links below will take you to other Knowledge Base article...
Understand: Crowdfunding Reports
Use Crowdfunding reports to organize your records and identify effective fundraising methods. When Crowdfunding on RallyUp, you can access and export several reports to help you stay organized. You can also use the data to analyze your fundraising methods, pinpoint which strategies were most successful, and create even more successful Crowdfunding ...