Understand: RallyUp Reports
Keep track of fundraising data with RallyUp reports.
Running Campaign reports can provide important insights and help you capture information that you’ll use in the future. RallyUp provides many comprehensive reports that can be exported as .csv files and customized:
Insights: Common Excel and Google Sheets Formatting Tips for RallyUp Reports
You can export reports while your Campaign is running or after it's ended, as many times as you want. All exports are sent to the email address associated with your RallyUp account.
Donation and Donor Reports
The View Donations* page is where you’ll find a list of donors and donations, complete with more detailed information (including email addresses, ticket numbers, custom field responses, mailing address, fees, and more):
How-to: Export Donation and Donor Reports
Additional Reports
RallyUp also provides specific reports for each Fundraising Activity:
*Terminology may differ according to Campaign settings.
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